1988-1991 MFA in painting and printmaking, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
1982-1987 Diploma in painting, University of Fine Arts, Athens, Greece
1977-1982 Diploma in Mathematics, Ioannina, University, Ioannina, Greece
Selected Exhibitions
May 3-July 27 2012 Iliad Contemporary "Particles and Waves": 12 Contemporary Artists and the Quantum World
August 29-October 29 2011 Stevenson University, Stevenson, MD, One person show, “Remaking Realities” Text: Sue Spaid: Executive Director of Contemporary Museum of Baltimore and Dr. Marek Bartelik, President of the International Association of Art Critics, US section (AICA-USA) (catalog)
March 12-July 31 2011 San Antonio Museum of Art, CA, “The Missing Peace Project”
Oct 9-Jan 10 2009-2010 The Frost Museum, Miami, FL, “The Missing Peace Project”
2009 Contemporary Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD, FAX Exhibit
2008 One Person Show, American University Museum, “Katzen Arts Center,” Text:
San Francisco, CA, “The Missing Peace Project”
2007 The School of Visual Arts Gallery, New York, NY, “The Missing Peace Project” (catalog)
Loyola University Museum of Art, Chicago, “The Missing Peace Project” (catalog)
2006 UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, LA, CA, The Missing Peace Project” (catalog)
2003 Instituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantine e Postbizantini di Venezia
The Hellenic Institute of Bysantine, Venice, Italy, “Dreamstorming,” Within the framework of the
Hellenic Presidency of the European Union, Curator and text: Zoe Kosmidoy
1999 One Person Show, Grimaldis Gallery, “Brain Terra Incognita” (text: Michael Salcman)
One Person Show, Maryland Art Place, “World Beyond Word”
1998 FIA (FERIA IBEROAMERICANA DE ART), Caracas, Venezuela (catalog)
Contemporary Greek Printmaking, Palais Hirsch, Schwotzingen, Germany
“Earthbound” Installation, Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, MD
One Person Show, “The Visionary Eye,” Gomez Gallery, MD
One Person Show, “From Cosmos to Brain,” House of Cyprus, Athens, Greece
Curator and text: Gary Sangster
1995 The 18th International Exhibition in Kanagawa Arts Foundation, Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery,
Yocohama, Japan (catalog)
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Greek Printers – The Fourth Generation 1941-1967, Northern Greece Cultural Center,
Solonica, Greece (catalog)
Exhibition on Greek Contemporary Printers, Greek Secretariat of Visual Arts and the Athens
Municipality, Ora Gallery, Athens, Greece, also Slovakia and France (catalog)
1994 3rd Biennale, Belgrade, Serbia (catalog)
UNESCO Competition, Paris, France
Konsscthaus Beim Engel Print Competition, Luxemburg (catalog)
One Person Show, Maliotis Cultural Center, Boston, MA
1993 Biennale Maastricht, Netherlands (catalog)
Columbia Center for the Arts, Washington, DC
21st Southern Graphics Council Conference, Baltimore, MD
1992 One Person Show, Nye Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, MD
One Person Show, Morgan Gallery, University of PA, Philadelphia, PA
1991 19th Biennale Ljubljana, Yugoslavia (catalog)
Metropolis Gallery, New York, NY (catalog)
Baltimore Museum of the Art Print Fair, Baltimore, MD
Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA
1990 Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA
Arthur Ross Gallery, “Thirty Years Printmaking at the University of Pennsylvania,” PA
Kostis Palamas gallery, Athens, Greece
UNESCO International Competition, “Man and Human Values into the 21st Century,” Athens, etc.
Faculty Club, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Large Print Show, Myerson Hall, Philadelphia, PA
One Person Show, Morgan Gallery, University of Pennsylvania, PA
Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA
1989 Biennale, Sofia, Bulgaria (catalog)
Print Club, “25x25 cm for 25 Artists” Book Project, Philadelphia, PA
Pierides Gallery, Athens, Greece (catalog)
Faculty Club, University of Pennsylvania
Zellerbach Theatre, Philadelphia, PA
Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA
1988 Soviet Ministry of Culture Show, Palace of Soviet Artists, Moscow, Russia (catalog)
“Greek Post-War Printing,” National Gallery of Arts, Athens, Greece (catalog)
1987 “150th Anniversary of the University of Fine Arts,” Athens, Greece
One Person Show, Kyklos Gallery, Paphos, Cyprus (with cultural event Paphos: 2300 Year)
“Panhellenic Printmaking and Painting,” Greek Ministry of Culture, Athens, Greece (catalog)
Honor and Awards
2008 Onassis Foundation Grant
1999 Agricultural Bank of Greece Grant
1989 Biennale, Sofia, 2nd award for work in exhibition
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA: Scholarship for advanced studies in Fine Arts
1988 Alexander Onassis Foundation, Vantouz, Lichtenschtein: Scholarship for studies in Fine Arts
1976 Greek National Foundation of Scholarships: Scholarship for advanced studies in Mathematics
Selected Bibliography
• “Prosopa” (faces) with Semina Digeni ERT Athens Television, June 1998
• Contemporary Greek Printing: The Prints of the 1941-1967 Generation,
by Chrisanthos Christou, Mecedonian Cultural Society “Techni,” Salonica, Greece, 1995
• Contemporary Greek Printers, Greek Secretariat of Visual Arts, Athens, Greece 1995
• Biennail of Belgrade (Special Publication) Belgrade, Serbia, 1994
• “Landscape without Horizons,” Baltimore Sun, November 22, 1992
• “In Massia’s Landscapes, Intense Peas and Valleys,” The Baltimore Sun, November, 27, 1992
• Baltimore Greek-American Radio interview, November 10, 1992
• International Biennail of Graphic Art (Special Publication) International Center of Graphic Arts,
Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1991
• “Order in Chaos,” Prioni, New York, NY, May 24, 1991
• “Traveling with Nefeli in her Psychological Landscapes,” National Herald, New York, NY, May 1991
• Marie Claire (magazine) July 1991
• Contemporary Greek Printers, by Chrysanthos Christou (catalog) 1989
• Panhellenic Art Forum 1987 (Melina Merkouri) Greek Ministry of Culture, Athens Greece, 1988
• Greek Postwar Printers (D. Papastamos) National Gallery, Athens, Greece, 1988
• ERT Athens Television Interview, 1987
• Cyrpus Television Interview, 1987
August 29-October 29 2011 Stevenson University, Stevenson, MD, One person show, “Remaking Realities” Text: Sue Spaid: Executive Director of Contemporary Museum of Baltimore and Dr. Marek Bartelik, President of the International Association of Art Critics, US section (AICA-USA) (catalog)
March 12-July 31 2011 San Antonio Museum of Art, CA, “The Missing Peace Project”
Oct 9-Jan 10 2009-2010 The Frost Museum, Miami, FL, “The Missing Peace Project”
2009 Contemporary Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD, FAX Exhibit
2008 One Person Show, American University Museum, “Katzen Arts Center,” Text:
San Francisco, CA, “The Missing Peace Project”
2007 The School of Visual Arts Gallery, New York, NY, “The Missing Peace Project” (catalog)
Loyola University Museum of Art, Chicago, “The Missing Peace Project” (catalog)
2006 UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, LA, CA, The Missing Peace Project” (catalog)
2003 Instituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantine e Postbizantini di Venezia
The Hellenic Institute of Bysantine, Venice, Italy, “Dreamstorming,” Within the framework of the
Hellenic Presidency of the European Union, Curator and text: Zoe Kosmidoy
1999 One Person Show, Grimaldis Gallery, “Brain Terra Incognita” (text: Michael Salcman)
One Person Show, Maryland Art Place, “World Beyond Word”
1998 FIA (FERIA IBEROAMERICANA DE ART), Caracas, Venezuela (catalog)
Contemporary Greek Printmaking, Palais Hirsch, Schwotzingen, Germany
“Earthbound” Installation, Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, MD
One Person Show, “The Visionary Eye,” Gomez Gallery, MD
One Person Show, “From Cosmos to Brain,” House of Cyprus, Athens, Greece
Curator and text: Gary Sangster
1995 The 18th International Exhibition in Kanagawa Arts Foundation, Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery,
Yocohama, Japan (catalog)
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Greek Printers – The Fourth Generation 1941-1967, Northern Greece Cultural Center,
Solonica, Greece (catalog)
Exhibition on Greek Contemporary Printers, Greek Secretariat of Visual Arts and the Athens
Municipality, Ora Gallery, Athens, Greece, also Slovakia and France (catalog)
1994 3rd Biennale, Belgrade, Serbia (catalog)
UNESCO Competition, Paris, France
Konsscthaus Beim Engel Print Competition, Luxemburg (catalog)
One Person Show, Maliotis Cultural Center, Boston, MA
1993 Biennale Maastricht, Netherlands (catalog)
Columbia Center for the Arts, Washington, DC
21st Southern Graphics Council Conference, Baltimore, MD
1992 One Person Show, Nye Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, MD
One Person Show, Morgan Gallery, University of PA, Philadelphia, PA
1991 19th Biennale Ljubljana, Yugoslavia (catalog)
Metropolis Gallery, New York, NY (catalog)
Baltimore Museum of the Art Print Fair, Baltimore, MD
Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA
1990 Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA
Arthur Ross Gallery, “Thirty Years Printmaking at the University of Pennsylvania,” PA
Kostis Palamas gallery, Athens, Greece
UNESCO International Competition, “Man and Human Values into the 21st Century,” Athens, etc.
Faculty Club, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Large Print Show, Myerson Hall, Philadelphia, PA
One Person Show, Morgan Gallery, University of Pennsylvania, PA
Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA
1989 Biennale, Sofia, Bulgaria (catalog)
Print Club, “25x25 cm for 25 Artists” Book Project, Philadelphia, PA
Pierides Gallery, Athens, Greece (catalog)
Faculty Club, University of Pennsylvania
Zellerbach Theatre, Philadelphia, PA
Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA
1988 Soviet Ministry of Culture Show, Palace of Soviet Artists, Moscow, Russia (catalog)
“Greek Post-War Printing,” National Gallery of Arts, Athens, Greece (catalog)
1987 “150th Anniversary of the University of Fine Arts,” Athens, Greece
One Person Show, Kyklos Gallery, Paphos, Cyprus (with cultural event Paphos: 2300 Year)
“Panhellenic Printmaking and Painting,” Greek Ministry of Culture, Athens, Greece (catalog)
Honor and Awards
2008 Onassis Foundation Grant
1999 Agricultural Bank of Greece Grant
1989 Biennale, Sofia, 2nd award for work in exhibition
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA: Scholarship for advanced studies in Fine Arts
1988 Alexander Onassis Foundation, Vantouz, Lichtenschtein: Scholarship for studies in Fine Arts
1976 Greek National Foundation of Scholarships: Scholarship for advanced studies in Mathematics
Selected Bibliography
• “Prosopa” (faces) with Semina Digeni ERT Athens Television, June 1998
• Contemporary Greek Printing: The Prints of the 1941-1967 Generation,
by Chrisanthos Christou, Mecedonian Cultural Society “Techni,” Salonica, Greece, 1995
• Contemporary Greek Printers, Greek Secretariat of Visual Arts, Athens, Greece 1995
• Biennail of Belgrade (Special Publication) Belgrade, Serbia, 1994
• “Landscape without Horizons,” Baltimore Sun, November 22, 1992
• “In Massia’s Landscapes, Intense Peas and Valleys,” The Baltimore Sun, November, 27, 1992
• Baltimore Greek-American Radio interview, November 10, 1992
• International Biennail of Graphic Art (Special Publication) International Center of Graphic Arts,
Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1991
• “Order in Chaos,” Prioni, New York, NY, May 24, 1991
• “Traveling with Nefeli in her Psychological Landscapes,” National Herald, New York, NY, May 1991
• Marie Claire (magazine) July 1991
• Contemporary Greek Printers, by Chrysanthos Christou (catalog) 1989
• Panhellenic Art Forum 1987 (Melina Merkouri) Greek Ministry of Culture, Athens Greece, 1988
• Greek Postwar Printers (D. Papastamos) National Gallery, Athens, Greece, 1988
• ERT Athens Television Interview, 1987
• Cyrpus Television Interview, 1987